Bear Tote with napkin rings

Friday, March 4, 2011

Well I am not a blogger so I rarely do this. Things are doing great up here in northern, Idaho. I have applied with my sister in law to do a large show in Midway, Utah. About 30 minutes from Salt Lake City. It is a huge huge show and I have done it in the past and it is a blast. It is more like a town event. Your products are juried every year and it is completely home made items only. We find out March 15 if we get to do the show. I have already started to paint for it. Have to cause if we wait til we find out we never have enough product. We had to put our dog Annie of 13 years down last fall. Well my son and his family decided to get us new puppy for my birthday in October. Wow I forgot what handfuls they can be. But we love him and he is a sweetheart. (most of the time). I post a picture of him soon.
Been busy with making lots of bunnies for my site also.
Well here is a picture of Dusty.

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